Jorunal 6 FeedBack and Revision

 Feedback and Revision 

        My confidence when submitting my draft to the writing center was high because I didn't submit it, I'm falling behind in this class but I'm slowly coming back and will get hopefully a low "C", but if I did submit it I would feel a little scared because they thoroughly check it and I feel like I would have a lot of mistakes but I would be happy cause there showing/telling me what's wrong with it so that I can improve my paper. When giving the feedback and seeing the drafts from other students and I read and understood that doing the cites helps you understand a lot more about what they're talking about. I took only one idea and it was so topic based but I haven't finished it I saw the student's paper and I was intrigued so I decided to write about the same topic but with different sources of course cause I didn't cheat because that's not right, but mine was about online learning by watching videos, learning game websites and audiobooks, so overall I only "stole" the topic. When doing a visual element I believe that doing it helps the reader understand what you are talking about in your text, whether it's gifs to make it funny or a picture of a teacher teaching their kids. the visual element is best when it comes to certain things but overall it should be used to make it more understanding for students who don't really get it.What Research Says About Driving Growth for Writers With Practice, Feedback  and Revision | EdSurge News
